Fun Ways to Shift the Extra Pounds you’ve Gained Over Easter
When you’ve received hundreds of Easter eggs it would be rude not to eat them all! There’s not many occasions where it’s acceptable to stuff your face with this much chocolate, so at Easter you most certainly have to make the most of it! On top of all the chocolate it’s the delicious lamb roast with all the trimmings you’ve indulged in, not forgetting the many snacks in between!
Pole Fitness
Pole Dancing is in! Not that it was ever out but nowadays it’s hugely accepted in society and so it should well be, not only is It an impressive art form it’s also a sport. That’s right we said it Pole Dancing is officially considered a sport and may well be in the Olympics one day! Pole fitness is for everyone, even men so forget about the sleazy strip clubs thoughts. YouTube pole fitness we guarantee this will have you in total ore. If you are brave enough to try pole fitness you will be amazed at how much strength you need, after your first session you will probably not be able to walk the next day, you may even have a few bruises! Stick with it and you’ll not only have a good laugh doing it but your body will soon see the benefits!
Spend a Day with Horses
You don’t even need to sit on a horse to shed body fat, spend a day at the stables and you’ll understand what a good work out this really is! You certainly don’t need a gym membership when you have heavy water buckets to lift, wheelbarrows to push, stables to muck out, the list goes on and on! Riding a horse is fantastic, you’ll use muscles you never knew you even had so make sure you have a warm bath to go home to. If you’re outdoorsy and don’t mind getting your hands dirty this could just be your ticket to a killer bod!
Walk an Alpaca
That’s right we said it walk an alpaca! This really is a thing and it looks like great fun, with this experience you’ll get to walk your very own alpaca on a lead. Not only will you get to walk an alpaca but you’ll also learn everything about their individual characters, plus how to keep and look after them just in case you want to take one home one day! You don’t have to stick to the conventional way, try something out of the ordinary and book an alpaca experience!
Walk the Dog
Walk your dog more often, most dogs should be walked for ½ hour a day at bare minimum so this is a way of forcing yourself to exercise! Don’t just walk around the block, turn your walks into adventures by visiting different locations to explore each time. Take some toys with you, it’s surprising what muscles can be built by playing a game of fetch. Another brilliant game for fitness is tug-o-war and every dog owner knows this is most dogs favourite, maybe not such a good work out if you have a Chihuahua though. If you don’t have your own dog, there’s now an app you can download which enables you to find dogs in your local area that you can borrow!
Skating is a great cost effective fun way to lose weight, once you’ve got your skates all you need is space with smooth ground. It’s actually possible to burn over 500 calories an hour would you believe, and unlike running skating has very low impact on the body so is great for reducing long term injury. Why not turn this fitness into an evening out by heading to a roller disco with your girls, that’s if you can say no to a cocktail!
Swimming is one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise you can do; it has the ability to improve strength, flexibility, muscular stamina, balance, plus it makes your heart stronger and a positive change in your physique! It has absolutely zero impact on the body which is great in general, and perfect if you have a pre-existing injury as it will put minimal strain on your joints. When you’re bored of swimming lengths how about a game of volleyball, or a simple game of catch play with your mate. You can always spice things up by swapping your local swimming pool for the sea or a lake, you can even do this in the winter if you’re brave enough!